Developed using revolutionary waterline technology and backed by science, Enviva® DUO is a dual-strain probiotic offering a unique advantage against evolving production challenges while also offering the flexibility to target individual houses or farms thanks to its waterline application.

This direct dosing strategy ensures that challenged birds always receive the microbiome-boosting benefits of Enviva® DUO, even if feed intake decreases.

Key Benefits
  • Targeted delivery, even if feed intake decreases: allows individual houses, farms, and lower performing birds to be targeted, as needed.
  • Balance the gut microbiome, contributing to a favorable nutribiotic state: Creates conditions that favour the growth of beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus.
  • Enhance gut integrity: Through production of Short Chain Fatty Acids fuels intestinal cell function and strengthens the gut.
  • High stability, regardless of water quality.