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Explore our latest industry insights, events, and news. Have a media inquiry? We welcome opportunities to answer your questions.

IFF Expands The Launch Of Industry-Leading Poultry Solutions In The EU

Two newly approved solutions, Axtra® XAP and Syncra® AVI deliver superior technical and economic performance improvements in poultry feeds

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IFF Introduces Industry-Leading Phytase Enzyme in the EU

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IFF Introduces New Animal Nutrition Solution for Piglets

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Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health Leverages Feed Calculator App For Smallholder Farmers

Free feed-optimizing app now includes market-leading phytase enzyme Axtra® PHY GOLD for small-scale farmers and feed mills in Africa.

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Danisco Animal Nutrition Further Expands Portfolio In Ruminants

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The European Commission Approve Enviva® PRO For Use In Turkeys

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Danisco Animal Nutrition Announces Price Increase

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Meet the Animal Nutrition & Health team at one of these upcoming events:

Poultry India Expo

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